The title of this website is respondeo etsi mutabor,  that is, I respond so that I may be changed.  This is a basic philosophical outlook on life: we respond to our parents, to our teachers and so we are formed.  Most importantly we respond to God in faith, hope, and love. He commands and we obey, directed ourselves toward his righteousness.

What about when we don’t know how to respond?  What if all options for action are not options? According to Romans 8, we groan. We groan already because we long for the redemption of our bodies.  However, we groan all the more when we lose the way forward. Further, the Spirit groans with us.  Reason fails.  We are like Hamlet stuck between action and inaction.  So we groan before our God, seeking his wisdom.

Perhaps he changes the situation so that we may move forward in good conscience.  Perhaps he gives new wisdom.  Regardless he changes us.  I groan so that I might be changed.