Reflections on order


Hermeneutics and Education

Welcome to Respondeo.  I plan to use this site in order to reflect on the twin disciplines of Hermeneutics and Education.  Hermeneutics is, of course, the study of how we are to discern meaning, particularly in texts.  It is not the same as Epistemology, which answers the question of “how we know what we know.” Hermeneutics, is rather, the study of how we appropriate meaning.  It is the study of interpretation.  Education doesn’t necessarily seem to be a natural spin-off, but in so far as educators attempt to communicate texts to students there is a connection.

I am studying to be a pastor, which gives me insight into the book whose meaning has been wrestled over more than any other book in history: the Bible.  What does it mean?  How do we know what the author meant?  How do we teach that book to people today so that it has relevance for them as well as those it was originally written for?  For that matter, how does any old book hold relevance for today?

These are some of the questions I will be exploring on this blog.  I hope you enjoy it.


A trans-hermeneutical principle

1 Comment

  1. Can’t wait for further content. Looking forward to it.

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